Explore Our Projects

White River Fish Sanctuary

Initiatives aimed at preserving Jamaica’s marine environment and improving the livelihoods of coastal communities. Projects focused on coral reef restoration, community training, marine protected area establishment, and public awareness are highlighted, showcasing the challenges and efforts to protect and sustain Jamaica’s coastal ecosystems.


Reducing the impact of COVID-19 through Catch Improvement 

Fisherfolk of the DFHA were negatively affected by COVID-19 as they lost the ability to fish due to imposed restrictions in movement. The loss of fishing gear greatly increased as pots, nets, boats etc were left out at sea for several months. 

Propagation of Two Types of Acroporid Corals Within White River Fish Sanctuary

Facilitate workshops where divers will learn and participate in nursery construction and cleaning, as well as the importance of coral gardening.


Preserving marine ecosystems and uplifting coastal communities. Through conservation efforts, community development programs, and research, the foundation works to protect coral reefs, fish populations, and overall marine health while empowering local residents with sustainable livelihood options, ultimately aiming for a balance between environmental preservation and community prosperity.

June 15, 2022 to October 31, 2023

Mangrove Development, Education, Awareness and Livelihoods Project

We aim to increase awareness of mangrove ecosystems among Marine Park Areas (MPA) stakeholders through the implementation of 3 Training of Trainers workshops with Fish Sanctuary Network (FSN) partners by 08/21.

oracabessa bay fish sanctuary

Safeguard the bay’s ecosystem and improve local livelihoods. Through community involvement, coral reef restoration, and sustainable fishing practices, the sanctuary aims to increase marine biodiversity and provide economic opportunities for the community, demonstrating a successful model for balancing conservation and human well-being.


Oracabessa Bay Marine Protected Area Coral Reef Restoration Marine Education and Livelihood Project

To provide the sanctuary patrol boat with a new engine to facilitate patrols within the sanctuary.

The University of the West Indies Discovery Bay Marine Lab

Leading research and education facility dedicated to understanding and protecting Jamaica’s coastal ecosystems. Through scientific research, community engagement, and teaching, the lab contributes to the sustainable management of marine resources, providing critical knowledge for informed decision-making and conservation efforts.


Water Quality Assessment of Special Fishery Conservation Areas

To document the communities’ perception on marine pollution in their environment.

Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation

Preserving the Portland Bight Protected Area, Jamaica’s largest protected area. Through community engagement, habitat restoration, and education, C-CAM works to balance environmental conservation with sustainable development, aiming to create a resilient and thriving coastal ecosystem while improving the lives of local communities.

June 15, 2022 to September 30, 2022

Supporting Protected Area Management through Sustainable Nature-Based Activities

The project aimed to design 30 educational and safety signs and provide equipment and infrastructure for health, fire safety, and prevention. Progressing from these goals, the outcomes reveal significant achievements

Negril Area Protected Trust

Preserving the natural beauty and resources of the Negril region. Through environmental protection, education, and sustainable development initiatives, NEPT works to ensure the long-term health of the area’s ecosystems while supporting the livelihoods of local residents.


Improving Livelihood Protection and Resilience of the Orange Bay SFCA

The project aimed to achieve full training for all fisherfolk in FADs monitoring, install 30 demarcation buoys, deploy 3 FADs, and construct 30 eco anchors. However, the outcomes highlight significant progress: 45 demarcation buoys now define the Orange Bay Special Fishery Conservation Area boundary, one FAD has been successfully deployed, and all 23 targeted fisherfolk have received training in FADs monitoring.

Old Habour Bay Fishing Bay

Major fishing hub in Jamaica, known for its fresh seafood and vibrant community. While historically a vital economic driver for the region, it faces challenges related to sanitation and infrastructure. Ongoing efforts are focused on improving the fishing environment and the overall well-being of its residents.


Improved Sanitation Facilities at Old Folly Beach

Thanks to NCTFJ funding, an incomplete bathroom structure has been successfully finished. Now equipped with a functioning shower, bathroom, urinal, and newly installed doors and windows, this facility stands to greatly benefit over 150 fisherfolk who operate within the area on a daily basis. Additionally, it serves the needs of other users, including small shop owners, swimmers, and buyers, totaling another 115 individuals daily.

Jamaica Fishermen Cooperative Union

Provides essential support services to fishermen, including equipment, training, and advocacy. The JFCU plays a crucial role in ensuring the sustainability of the fishing sector while improving the livelihoods of its members.


Improved Sanitation Facilities at Old Folly Beach

Thanks to NCTFJ funding, an incomplete bathroom structure has been successfully finished. Now equipped with a functioning shower, bathroom, urinal, and newly installed doors and windows, this facility stands to greatly benefit over 150 fisherfolk who operate within the area on a daily basis. Additionally, it serves the needs of other users, including small shop owners, swimmers, and buyers, totaling another 115 individuals daily.

The Development of Sustainable Tourism Within the Discovery Bay Marine Protected Area

The project aimed to train all staff as tour guides, procure snorkeling equipment, and enhance tourist interest in monthly tours. Despite challenges, significant progress has been made: snorkeling equipment including snorkels, masks, fins, and buoyancy control devices has been purchased, two bi-monthly stakeholder meetings have been conducted, and seven out of ten targeted staff have been successfully trained as tour guides.

Yardie Environmental Conservationists

Preserving the natural heritage of Port Royal and the surrounding area. Through education, training, and community engagement, YEC works to promote sustainable tourism and resource management while safeguarding the unique ecological and historical significance of the Palisadoes-Port Royal Protected Area.

March 15, 2022 to Sept. 30, 2022

Building Awareness and Capacity in Port Royal

Building Awareness and Capacity in Port Royal while promoting conservation and sustainable use of resources of the Palisadoes-Port Royal Protected Area (PPRPA)